- Finance/Revenue Cycle
PODCAST: Using Clinical Analytics for Performance Improvement
In this podcast, Rick Schooler, vice president and CIO at Orlando Health, also recipient of the 2011 John E. Gall Jr. CIO of the Year Award, discusses how leaders in the industry are using clinical data analytics for performance improvement. This podcast gives a flavor of the panel, "Beyond the Data Warehouse: Strategizing the Use and Analysis of Clinical Data for Meaningful Use," Rick will be headlining at the Healthcare Informatics Executive Summit to be held May 6 through the 8 in Orlando. He will be joined on the panel by colleagues Dr. Bobbie Byrne, vice president of IT of Edward Hospital; Dr. George Reynolds, CMIO and CIO of Children’s Hospital and Medical Center; and Patricia Skarulis, vice president, Information Systems and CIO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.