Healthcare Informatics Announces the 2016 Leading Edge Awards-Winning Companies
For more than a decade, the editors at Healthcare Informatics have honored teams of leaders at patient care organizations for their innovations in leveraging healthcare IT to improve patient outcomes, control costs, enhance the effectiveness of clinicians, and improve patient and community satisfaction. Every Innovator Awards winning team has acknowledged at least one partnership with a forward-thinking vendor partner.
And last year for the first time, we, the editors of Healthcare Informatics, chose to also recognize innovative work on the part of healthcare IT vendor companies themselves, through a program that we named the Healthcare Informatics Leading Edge Awards. A number of healthcare IT vendor companies responded to our call for the submission of entries in the categories of clinician workflow improvement, interoperability, and cost savings.
And now, after a careful review by neutral judges drawn from the membership of Healthcare Informatics’ Editorial Advisory Board, based on submissions to our program, we are able to announce the winners in all three categories in our program: Clinician Workflow Optimization, Interoperability, and Cost Savings.
In fact, our judges reached a tie decision in the first category, so we are announcing four winning companies this year. They are:
Clinician Workflow Optimization:
VMware and CoverMyMeds (tie)
Cost Savings:
Strata Decision Technology
All four companies will have profile articles published about them in the coming weeks online on this website. Please look for these articles in the coming few weeks. What is fundamentally important is the need for innovation in these key areas of endeavor in U.S. healthcare. We are gratified to be able to recognize vendor companies that are moving ahead to provide healthcare providers with the solutions that can improve the health of communities and contain costs. Thank you to all those companies that participated in the program this year, and congratulations to our four winning companies!
--The Editors of Healthcare Informatics