EHR Vendor Trade Org. Creates Delivery System Reform Workgroup
The Electronic Health Record Association (EHRA), a Chicago-based trade organization comprised of EHR vendors, is creating a workgroup focused on healthcare delivery system reform.
With the Delivery System Reform Workgroup, EHR vendors are hoping to collaborate with providers, payers, and patient advocacy group groups to ensure EHRs and other health IT systems are used the right way when it comes to healthcare payment and delivery reform policy. The workgroup will aim to be a source of information and education for EHRA members as well as monitor/provide input to congressional and regulatory initiatives.
“We are seeing the real convergence of what has been traditionally siloed as clinical data and financial data into healthcare information that is essential to the success of accountable care organizations and new payment models. In keeping with EHRA’s efforts to provide practical advice and guidance to the regulatory process, this new workgroup will bring insights to policymakers and provide important information back to our members as these initiatives move forward,” Sarah Corley, M.D. (of NextGen Healthcare), EHRA Vice Chair, said in a statement.