Chesterfield, MO.: Unibased Systems Architecture, Inc. (Unibased) announced today that it has added U.S. Bank Healthcare Payment Management™ (HPM) to its slate of client solutions. HPM is a Web-based, peer-reviewed payment tool designed to help hospitals and other healthcare providers increase revenue, reduce bad debt and improve processes.
L.V. Covington, Unibased President and CEO, is excited by the new alliance. “HPM offers unique functionality which should please both the consumer and the hospital provider – from eligibility, estimation and one-time payments to automated payment plans and healthcare lines of credit. HPM’s online bill-pay feature will be integrated with our consumer portal, Consumer Access and Scheduling for Healthcare (CASH). Our clients will appreciate the savings, administrative productivity and revenue enhancement they’ll realize by adopting HPM.”
”Patient payment is a critical issue in healthcare,” says Ralph Bernstein, Senior Vice President of U.S. Bank Healthcare Payment Solutions. “Consumers are shouldering more of the financial burden of their care and providers are struggling with collection of payments. Unibased understands these challenges. We are proud to be working together to deliver solutions that lower costs and facilitate responsible, compassionate payment arrangements between patient and provider.”