Cover Story
Roam if you want to
HMT presents insights from the 2010 MSP/Andrew EMR Benchmark.
Special Feature
Is an EHR regional extension center right for you?
By Arthur Gasch, founder, MSP; and Bill Andrew, executive VP, MSP
Work-Flow Management
Automated referrals close the communications loop
By Joel Vengco
Medical Transcription/Voice Recognition
Transcription makeover
By Mike Rozmus
Electronic Health Records
Evaluating EHR systems
By Vivek Jain
Critical considerations for mobile device deployments
By Greg Davidson
Patient Safety
Walking in the patients’ shoes
By HT Snowday
The more things change …
By Phil Colpas, Managing Editor
Thought Leaders
Healthcare IT support: Recommendations for a critical need
By Karl Graham
Pioneers in Healthcare IT
Voice recognition: The key to hospital dominance
By Tim K . Zinn