Cover Story
Whither healthcare IT?
From the impact of HITECH to the industry’s perception of healthcare IT, our panel of experts weighs in on some heavy issues.
Claims & Coding
Eliminate charge disparity
After Bon Secours aligned its revenue and procurement departments, items marked “non-billable” in the past were found to be billable and worth millions of dollars.
Electronic Health Records
Optimizing release-of-information processes
While Underwood-Memorial Hospital was already working with a provider that was meeting most of its medical records needs, a key element was missing.
Cloud Computing
What happens when HIEs meet Web 2.0?
How cloud computing and service-oriented architecture (SOA) work with healthcare information exchanges (HIEs).
Pioneers of HMT
Up from the basement: PART II
Former HMT publisher Mike Hilts explores three decades of evolution in healthcare IT.
Evidence-based Medicine
Improving healthcare outcomes through EBM
Evidence-based medicine (EBM) can fundamentally transform healthcare, leading to a more personalized paradigm of care that preserves innovation while addressing waste in the system.
Work-flow Management
The elephant in the room is administrative work flow
How one hospital reduced administrative-related costs by 70 percent through work-flow automation.
Technology is here to help us … right?
By Phil Colpas, Managing Editor
Thought Leaders
Integrated health record can show meaningful use
by Ravi Sharma