According to American writer Harlan Ellison, “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
As part of our effort to eschew ignorance, we here at
Health Management Technology seek the highly informed opinions of our audience through our annual reader survey.
Based upon this year’s just-compiled results, HMT has:
Good saturation: Eight of 10 respondents report they’ve read at least three of the last four issues.
Staying power: Two-thirds of survey participants spend an average of 30 minutes to two hours reading each issue – impressive in today’s sensory overloaded, reduced attention-span world.
Knowledge to share: Nearly half of respondents say at least one other person reads their copy, while almost two-thirds save copies for future reference.
Knowledge to care: When we asked survey participants what areas they would like to see covered more, 41 percent selected legislative/regulatory
issues; 44 percent, ICD-10; and 49 percent, healthcare reform. We are working to increase our focus in these areas, with augmented coverage of regulations, claims & coding and meaningful use.
Positive impact on advertisers: More than two-thirds say they are more likely to seek out more information, consider, recommend or purchase products from a vendor featured in HMT.
Influence on those with purchasing power: More than 83 percent of those surveyed are involved in their company purchasing processes.
Web presence: About 60 percent say they visit our newly revamped website ( at least once a week, while more than two-thirds of respondents subscribe to our free weekly e-newsletter.
A varied yet targeted audience: The survey confirms that our audience is extremely stratified, representing IT networks supporting less than 50 to more than 10,000 users.
Feature articles are the most popular content in both the printed magazine and website. We’ll augment our content with a new monthly feature – a roundup with industry luminaries weighing in on a variety of pertinent topics. In these original pieces, we will hear from many voices, experts from several vendor companies, hospitals and C-suite executives.
Readers also praised our end-user-perspective case studies, committed focus to HIT issues, products and services section and magazine covers.
Got feedback? You’re more than welcome to use the “Leave a Comment” option provided after each article on our website, or contact me directly at [email protected].
This month, we feature case studies and advice on EHRs, HIEs, RCM and practice management, as well as a workflow roundup with industry experts.
Enjoy the issue.