Take telehealth to the next level
Comprehensive training portal
A critical step in the evolution of virtual care
Super advanced, super simple
Customizable to meet your needs
Worldwide medical collaboration
NoMachine NX software is an enterprise-class solution for secure remote access, application delivery and hosted desktop deployment. During a recent demonstration at TEDxMaastricht 2012, Dr. Jelle Barentsz used NoMachine’s virtual desktop to access MRI software located on his hospital’s clinical servers in the Netherlands and then collaborated with physicians located in the U.S. and Australia, as well as a physician in the audience using an iPad. All four doctors viewed the MRI at the same time and, using a medical videoconferencing program, quickly came to a treatment consensus. NoMachine
An easier way to reach out
Monitoring services for the elderly
Independa is incorporating the 2net Platform from Qualcomm Life Inc. into its Artemis suite of telecare monitoring solutions for the elderly and their caregivers. The 2net Platform is a cloud-based service that enables the wireless transfer, storage and display of medical device data. It interconnects with almost all monitoring devices and applications, enabling end-to-end wireless connectivity that provides the device users and their caregivers a convenient, secure, standards-based way to upload and access biometric information. Devices include weight scales, blood pressure cuffs, blood glucose meters and pulse oximeters. Independa; Qualcomm Life
One-touch smartphone communications
Telemedicine for the health plan market
Remote consults get flexible
Remote patient monitoring service
AT&T has partnered with Valued Relationships Inc. (VRI) to deliver a remote patient monitoring service that allows for a stronger connection between patients and caregivers, resulting in a reduction of hospital readmissions. This solution allows a VRI nurse-staffed telemonitoring center to monitor patients around the clock for everything ranging from basic vital signs to chronic diseases, following standard-of-care guidelines established by physicians and healthcare providers. The service can alert caregivers when intervention is needed. This end-to-end solution is scheduled to be available in the third quarter of 2012. AT&T; VRI