Transition at your own pace
See IBM at HIMSS13 booth #1841
All-around ICD-10 training
Elsevier’s MC Strategies has further enhanced its ICD-10 Roadmap with EduCode Clinical Documentation Improvement eLearning, a comprehensive clinical documentation curriculum that aims to address the increased specificity of ICD-10. Additional resources, including clinical documentation webinars and white papers, are also in the works. The company’s comprehensive, four-phased approach evaluates a staff’s individual educational needs, develops a plan to meet those needs, delivers online learning to help the staff move to ICD-10 and measures overall organizational compliance and further training requirements. Elsevier
See Elsevier at HIMSS13 booths #6118, 6129, MU, Clinical & Bus., ICD-10
Manage IT energy use and save cash along the way
ED physician coding and billing
See T-System at HIMSS13 booths #2219 and MU
Hybrid platform provides non-stop faxing
Biscom’s Hybrid Fax Platform includes a hosted cloud service and on-premise fax servers that all share an identical interface to keep your fax stream flowing. Fax administrators use the same software, FAXCOM Suite for Windows, to manage their on-premises fax server and access the hosted fax service. End users run the same desktop and Web clients to send/receive faxes. The FAXCOM Server’s reliability is supplemented by FAXCOM Anywhere, the hosted fax service, ensuring that users can always send and receive faxes, regardless of whether the fax server is down for maintenance or peak fax traffic exceeds available bandwidth. Acclaris, a developer of health exchanges that serves 30,000 customers and receives more than 5,000 fax pages daily, uses this system. Biscom
See Biscom at HIMSS13 booth #5950
Round-the-clock power for mobile workstations