EHNAC releases new criteria for accreditation programs, inviting public review and comment

May 29, 2013

FARMINGTON, Conn. – May 29, 2013 – The Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC), a non-profit standards development organization and accrediting body, has posted updated versions of program criteria on its website for general public review. Revisions to existing programs include new and revised accreditation criteria addressing the new Omnibus Rule, as well as cloud computing specifications. Also included are three new Direct Trusted Agent Accreditation Programs (DTAAP).

EHNAC invites interested parties to provide opinions, comments and suggestions on the necessity, appropriateness and workability of the latest criteria versions.

The open comment period on criteria proposed for adoption will last 60 days, commencing on May 29, 2013, and ending on July 29, 2013. The 12 existing and three new programs affected include:

    ePAP – e-Prescribing Accreditation Program
    EPCSCP-Pharmacy – Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances Certification Program – Pharmacy Vendor1
    EPCSCP-Prescribing – Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances Certification Program – Prescribing Vendor1
    FSAP EHN – Financial Services Accreditation Program for Electronic Health Networks
    FSAP Lockbox – Financial Services Accreditation Program for Lockbox Services
    HIEAP – Health Information Exchange Accreditation Program
    HNAP EHN – Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Electronic Health Networks [Includes Payer]
    HNAP Medical Biller – Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Medical Billers
    HNAP TPA – Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Third Party Administrators
    MSOAP – Management Service Organization Accreditation Program
    OSAP – Outsourced Services Accreditation Program2
    OSAP HIE – Outsourced Services Accreditation Program for Health Information Exchange Services
    DTAAP-HISP (NEW) – Direct Trusted Agent Accreditation Program for Health Information Service Providers
    DTAAP-CA (NEW) – Direct Trusted Agent Accreditation Program for Certificate Authorities
    DTAAP-RA (NEW) – Direct Trusted Agent Accreditation Program for Registration Authorities

“The latest criteria versions of EHNAC’s programs have been revised in coordination with emerging industry initiatives such as the Omnibus Rule and cloud computing specifications to offer the best reflection of industry standards for health data exchange,” says Mark Gingrich, commissioner and criteria committee chair of EHNAC. “We’re actively involved with the ongoing changes and the ways in which our programs can be modified accordingly. We encourage interested parties to review the published criteria and provide feedback for our committee and stakeholders to consider and implement as necessary.”

EHNAC accreditation recognizes excellence in health data processing and transactions, and confirms compliance with industry-established standards and HIPAA regulations. Visit for more details or to review the latest EHNAC criteria.

1. EHNAC is in the process of applying to the DEA to become an approved EPCS certifier. Until finalized, these programs will be administered exclusively by CISA certified auditors.

2. OSAP includes nine different accreditation programs tailored for Call Centers, Data Centers, DRP Facilities, Health Information Exchange, Media Storage, Network Administrators, Printing, Product Development and Scanning.


The Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC) is a voluntary, self-governing standards development organization (SDO) established to develop standard criteria and accredit organizations that electronically exchange healthcare data. These entities include electronic health networks, payers, financial services firms, health information exchanges, medical billers, outsourced services and e-prescribing solution providers.

EHNAC was founded in 1993 and is a tax-exempt 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization. Guided by peer evaluation, the EHNAC accreditation process promotes quality service, innovation, cooperation and open competition in healthcare. To learn more, visit

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