While most agree that lingering uncertainty around the definition of meaningful use and EMR certification means the anticipated HITECH-induced spending spree has yet to materialize, the industry is doing its homework on the most prominent vendors and holding its collective checkbook at the ready.
One method of research on potential vendor/partners is certainly KLAS reports; specifically, the KLAS Mid-Term Performance Review, which goes down the line vendor by vendor, revealing each company's product line and just how each item in that product line is performing, both against its previous scores, and the industry average for that market segment.
In the following stories, HCI takes you Beyond the Numbers, putting some color around the hard-to-get hard data that KLAS has collected from providers. The time to buy (or upgrade) is close at hand, and entering the search process fully armed is an absolute must.
KLAS Chart LegendHealthcare Informatics 2009 September;26(9):2