HCI: Why do you think the centralized data warehouse was the preferred data architecture for HIEs?Porter: Cost and security are the number-one reasons. Centralized data warehouses are the first step to cloud computing, which is really three to five years away. Cloud computing really has enormous benefits. What they really focus on is the new delivery model which includes the ACO and the medical home. I believe the providers are very hesitant to adopt cloud computing at this stage because they’re still worried about security. But the cost effectiveness of this kind of service will probably outweigh security concerns, especially after more and more providers find out how effective the cloud is through platforms like HIEs.HCI: Why do you think there are so many organizations out there unsure about which HIE vendor to consider?Porter: From our study, 48 percent of the market was not sure who was even a market leader. Forty percent weren’t even sure who they’d consider. The HIE market, even though it’s been around for about 20 years, is still a very immature market where even the industry leaders have very small revenues and a small client base. CIOs at hospitals, they’re used to making decisions about technology for the inside walls of their hospitals, for example a radiology system. But the selection of an HIE solution impacts not only the hospital, but the owned affiliates, the clinics, the laboratories, the imaging centers. There are so many more stakeholders’ fingers in the cookie jar. I think when we go to HIMSS we’re going to see over 55 vendors—I bet you even more—saying that they’re an HIE vendor.HCI: What does the split between those who wanted a company solely focused on interoperability vs. their current acute EHR vendor for their preferred supplier type tell you?Porter: It seems to be a two-sided coin there on how to choose a type of vendor. Do they stay with their current EHR vendor, someone they’re really comfortable with, and take the chance that the EHR vendor seamlessly hooks into other areas? I really believe that the split indicates that healthcare providers are not yet certain the best way to achieve genuine healthcare information exchange. If you look at those that prefer their EHR vendors, they’ve likely just gone through a recent technology conversion, a major capital expense and they’re looking simply to extend the reach of the infrastructure already in place—really trying to minimize the headache of adding in another technology layer. And this may not in the long run be the shortest or least stressful route. However, the EHR systems, they’re not really designed in the way to perform in the way you need for the new coordinated care model and share the data from an acute to an ambulatory environment and back. Some of the EHR vendors are scrambling to meet this new demand through partnerships, which is a great way to do it, or to bolt on functionality.Likewise, [there are] those looking for an interoperability vendor who desire to use what they already have in place and leverage the legacy technology investments by adding an overlay technology to facilitate the data exchange. This is a slightly more promising approach, as interoperability solutions were built to handle data exchange among legacy or disparate systems. We don’t really feel that the EHRs were originally built that way, but both of those approaches have their strengths and weakness.HCI: What sustainability models do you think will emerge as clear winners for the future?Porter: When we did this study, nearly two-thirds thought the federal government should provide funding. What you’re seeing is what we call a value perspective, where an HIE defines financial stability by who is receiving the value, and what value are they gaining from participating in the HIE. Hospitals look at some of their internal cost savings that will help them with the sustainability, as most of the multi-hospitals thought that the decreased cost of chronic care was really going to help them with sustainability. A lot of the other hospitals felt that the reduced medication errors and redundant tests [were a road to sustainability]. A lot of analytics are going to be important to see who got the value, just like an ACO. Who’s getting paid? In order for an HIE to achieve sustainability, they must present and sell the value to be gained for each stakeholder and this really requires an extensive analysis for each type of stakeholder.