Healthcare Informatics will ghost write one or more blog posts on a topic specified by you. The content will highlight your expertise on a specific trend, issue, technology, or technique.
Blog Posts Include:
- 400 word blog post crafted by the Healthcare Informatics team
- The blog post will be professionally designed, edited and search engine-optimized based on the guidelines and keywords you specify
- The blog post will include links to other content on your website and/or on the Healthcare Informatics website
- The blog post can be used on your website, as part of a LinkedIn discussion or post, or featured on the Healthcare Informatics website with special recognition as “promoted content”.
Blog Post Benefits:
- Generate traffic to your website
- Increase your brand awareness
- Promote your organization’s thought leadership
- Benefit from the complete turnkey program
- Own the created content and use without restriction
- Benefit from expert Search Engine Optimization
- Utilize in your online content marketing program
- Build your content library
- Align with an established brand
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