Disconcerting vendor news this week:
1. Meditech - 2nd quarter 10Q filed with the SEC shows a drop in 6 month's revenue (from $100M in 2007, to only $94M for 2008) and net income ($46M 2007 versus $37M 2008), We've seen some very high pricing for their new "Release 6" lately, so maybe Meditech has finally hit its upward ceiling on prices? Funny, they used to be the low cost vendor in many of our searches back in the 90s... lately, they look more like a Cadillac, er, Prius! 2. Siemens - sad news for many in Malvern as a layoff reduces about 10% of their world-wide work force, over 400 unfortunate Malvernians, and 250 FTEs in Bangalore (site of much Soarian development). Double whammy with all the negative publicity world-wide about Siemens execs taking kick-backs... One ray of hope: Virginia Hospital Center just signed a $14M Soarian contract!