PACS Planning, Modality Selection, PACS Selection, Network Assessment, Workflow Redesign, Modality Integration, HIS/RIS/EMR Integration, Display Calibration, Hanging Protocols, Digital Dictation, End User Education, Systems Management, Enterprise Storage….
With so much to consider and so many vendors to choose from, Digital Imaging and PACS is becoming an endless maze in the pursuit of efficient anytime, anywhere access to patient images and data.
Who makes the best CT, CR, Ultrasound, MRI? What vendors offer the most advanced PACS display tools? Which storage solution can provide seamless enterprise integration? Should we hire a PACS Administrator? Should we hire a consultant to implement our project? Should we upgrade?
There are literally hundreds of topics to discuss relating to Digital Imaging and PACS. When my friends at Healthcare Informatics asked me to post a PACS Blog, I was very excited but I was not exactly sure what topics I wanted to talk about. I decided I simply wanted to discuss and share in the thousands of everyday imaging and PACS experiences.
So here we are. What is your Digital Imaging or PACS story? I want to know your failures and successes with the implementation and usage of the latest image acquisition and PACS technologies.