The United States Department of Defense (Washington, D.C.) announced the launch of MiCare, the Military Health System’s prototype personal health record (PHR), at Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, Wash. The MiCare product was developed as a pilot project in partnership with Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft Corp.
The project, according to the company, began in March 2008 to focus on incorporating the services and features offered by Microsoft HealthVault as a way to expedite the development and expand the capabilities of the military’s own PHR. HealthVault serves as protected patient-controlled repository for health information that is needed to support PHR functions, as well as store, manage and distribute personal health information as beneficiaries seek care inside and beyond the Military Health System, the company touts.
The product is designed to give Madigan patients access to their demographic information, active medication lists, their allergy data, lab results, past visits and upcoming appointments.