Apello Technologies, a Detroit-based technology company focused on developing tools to help physicians collaborate, recently launched its physicians network. The Apello Physicians Network, available as an App through the iTunes Store or through the company's Web site as a desktop tool, improves patient care by helping doctors share information in an instant, reducing pages, phone calls, dictation and other messages.
Data transfer–getting information on a patient's status, condition, etc., from one doctor to another –has been identified by the World Health Organization as one of its most important patient safety initiatives. Offering portable communications between doctors using text messaging, voice memos, fax, and creating custom, patient-centered information networks, the Apello Physicians Network helps doctors across specialties share notes and updates about specific patients. The secure, HIPAA compliant tool improves both inpatient and outpatient care by delivering a time and cost-effective way for doctors to easily update one another.
Using the optional ApelloPort, doctors can securely store message logs for future retrieval, allow office staff access points to patient data, and thus create a unique, practice enhancing communications solution.