Health Level Seven (HL7), the organization for interoperability and standards in healthcare information technology, and the Health Story Project, a collaborative of healthcare vendors, providers, and associations, will present a webinar on Wednesday, July 21 from 2 to 3 p.m. ET to discuss how healthcare providers can exchange basic records and meet early meaningful use requirements.
Physicians in the U.S. create more than a billion clinical notes each year, comprising around 60 percent of clinical information. These clinical notes are used as the primary source of information for reimbursement and proof of service. With standards, the output can easily integrate with electronic medical record systems and health information exchanges and provide a smooth path to interoperability. The Health Story Project is an industry collaboration working to accelerate the development and adoption of standards for electronic clinical documents using HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) and Continuity of Care Document (CCD) templates. The Health Story Project and Health Level Seven have an associate charter agreement and have jointly produced five implementation guides thus far. Further standards for electronic clinical documents are currently under development within HL7.