Summa Health System (Akron, Ohio), a network serving a five-county region in northeast Ohio, has gone live with Andover, Mass.-based
Sentillion’s single sign-on (SSO) and context management solutions and is rolling it out to more than 4,000 caregivers.
According to the company, Summa is deploying Sentillion’s Vergence clinical workstation solution — which includes SSO, advanced authentication and context management — to help manage secure access to the network while providing clinicians with instant access to multiple applications. With the tool, caregivers are automatically signed into Summa’s health information systems, which include Eclipsys, SoftMed, OptiLink, Teletracking and AGFA, it says.
Summa Health System is one of the largest integrated delivery systems in Ohio. The 2,060-bed system includes a network of hospitals, community health centers, a health plan, a physician-hospital organization, a multi-specialty physician organization, research and multiple foundations.