CCHIT will hold Town Call Web conferences on June 16 (1 pm) and 17 (11 am) to discuss new paths to EHR certification.
Areas to be explored during the calls include the crosswalk from certification to meaningful use, enhancements to current programs, and new and updated programs “to make certification more accessible to a wider variety of EHR technologies, including modular, self-developed, and open-source applications,” according to the organization.
The first meeting is titled “New Paths to Certification: Dialog with the Open Source Community,” at which Mark Leavitt, M.D., Ph.D., Commission chair, and Dennis Wilson, the Commission’s technology director, will discuss the new concepts from the perspective of technology developers. The second Town Call, “New Paths to Certification,” is intended for a general audience, exploring all of the new programs and their intended goals.
During both events, participants will be invited to submit questions and comments online. Registration is required for the free Town Calls at
Also, instead of immediately launching a 2009-10 certification program, CCHIT has released ’09 criteria to the HIT Standards Committee for review and, anticipating a draft definition of meaningful use by June 16 and draft standards and certification criteria by August 26, will work to resolve gaps and begin accepting applications for newly designed certification programs “as quickly as possible after that.”