PODCAST: Former Starbucks CIO and Innovator Discusses Strategic Frameworks for Piloting New Tech Initiatives
The health IT team's move from helpdesk to business partner in healthcare, has necessitated swift and undeniable change-- perhaps none greater in the area of strategic innovation to support business lines.
Fundamental principles of aggressive growth in market effectiveness and operating efficiency increases time-to-value pacing.
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Project management offices (PMO) practices like Lean and Agile have contributed to success stories from small physician practices to multi-state ACOs, but the same familiar challenges still remain. Traditional health IT challenges like multi-system complexity, interoperability, security standards, and difficult cross-department collaborations-- requiring a non-traditional and agile approach to ultimately accelerate speed to value.
In this installment of the Healthcare Informatics podcast we visit with former Starbucks Chief Information Officer and Founder of the Healthcare Technology innovation and consultancy group Symbotix, Ted DellaVecchia, as he describes the innovation imperative in healthcare, retail-based technology innovation practices that apply directly to healthcare, and a strategic framework to accelerate pace of change and time-to-value for pilot programs.