Credit: CapSiteViable Vendor MarketThe freshness of the market is clear when looking at CapSite’s findings on HIE vendor market share. All told, the report listed 18 vendors; the highest market share belonged to Medicity, with only 12 percent. “Looking at this space, there are a tremendous amount of companies that have come out of the woodwork when they’ve seen the stimulus money that has been set aside to drive adoption of HIE,” he says. “Every day we see companies popping up on our radar that are trying to position themselves as an HIE vendor.”With so many technologies encompassing an HIE, Johnson says a vendor could find a niche for one or two HIE-related solutions such as ePrescribing, MPI or physician portal. Others could find have more complete HIE solutions. This kind of range opens the market up to a wide variety of vendors as well as new entrants in the future.However, he does say consolidation is likely to happen as the market develops. Already, Aetna acquired Medicity for $500 million in December of 2010 and Ingenix acquired Axolotl in August of 2010.CapSite’s survey also looked at HIE consultants and the market share within that specialty. Much like the market for HIE vendors, the market for this specialty is also convoluted. According to the survey, 47 percent of the respondents said they didn’t intend on employing an HIE consultant. However, Johnson says that could change. Only 16 percent of respondents said they would bring on consulting firm to implement their HIE.“There’s going to be a significant need for help in implementing these and evaluating the different solution providers,” says Johnson. “In some cases, as these organizations start to realize they have to make these HIE investments, they may have not fully recognized they will need the help. They may not appreciate the complexity of the evaluation process or the complexity of implementing this technology. As they get into it, I think more will realize they need some assistance.”