Healthcare Informatics’ Most Popular Stories on Twitter in 2016
There have been plenty of fascinating developments in health IT over the past year, and every year the editors at Healthcare Informatics take a look at what garners the interest of you, our readers. Editor-in-Chief Mark Hagland has already reflected on “How Healthcare Leaders Found Their Way Forward in 2016” and Managing Editor Rajiv Leventhal outlined five health IT trends to look forward to in 2017.
Today, we will take a look at the biggest hits of the year on Twitter, the biggest social media channel for Healthcare Informatics reader engagement. For this list, our social media manager Megan Combs parsed through the data and found the top 15 articles, news stories and blogs from 2016 on Twitter (@HCInformatics). Here are the top five from each of those categories in the year that was:
Top 5 Articles on Twitter
Cleveland Clinic’s Former Chief Innovation Officer: Why Health Systems Must Become Innovation Test-Beds: The Cleveland Clinic’s former chief innovation officer, Thomas Graham, M.D., shares his perspectives on the need for the leaders of patient care organizations to become test-beds for technological innovation.
The Healthcare Informatics 100 Product Breakouts: Clinical Information Systems: Healthcare Informatics reveals its top 5 companies by revenue—based on percentage of total health IT revenue—within seven different categories. The first of these segments is Clinical Information Systems vendors.
Up and Comers 2016: Flatiron Health: Ex-Google Employees Take on the Oncology Informatics Market: When former Google employees Nat Turner and Zach Weinberg launched Flatiron Health in 2012, their goal was to create a big data analytics offering for cancer centers.
At Houston Methodist Hospital, a Health IT Initiative Supports an Intensive Patient Safety Push: The use of a clinical surveillance tool powered by the Rothman Index helped 11 nursing units at Houston Methodist Hospital significantly reduce risk-adjusted mortality and sepsis mortality.
What Impact will Trump’s Victory Have on Value-Based Healthcare?: Healthcare IT experts weigh in on key policy issues moving forward as Republicans take both executive and legislative branch control.
Top 5 Blogs on Twitter
Let’s Talk Really, Really Big Numbers: How About $5.631 Trillion, For Example?: As the U.S. healthcare system moves ever closer to a gargantuan cost cliff, healthcare IT leaders are going to be called on as never before to help leverage IT to transform care delivery.
How Will the Presidential Election Impact Health IT? A Recent Survey Indicates Where Health IT Leaders Stand: Just in time for both National Health IT Week and the first presidential debate, a new survey was released this week that gauges healthcare IT professionals’ opinions about how the 2016 presidential election will impact health IT from both sides of the aisle.
Will “Telehealth” Soon Become, Simply, “Health?”: A discussion at the Health IT Summit-New York probed some truly exciting potentialities around policy, payment, clinical, and technological changes that could transform U.S. healthcare delivery.
The MACRA Final Rule: More Options for MDs, More To-Do’s for IT Leaders: Initial responses to the release of the MACRA final rule have mostly been positive—and in any case point to more to-do’s on the to-do lists of healthcare IT leaders.
Why Should Hospital CIOs Care About GIS Software?: I recently interviewed Este Geraghty, M.D., M.S., M.P.H., the chief medical officer and health solutions director for ESRI, the world’s largest GIS software company. I asked her why GIS wasn’t more widely deployed in healthcare previously and why CIOs should start paying more attention to this field now.
Top 5 News Stories on Twitter
AMA Survey: Docs Bullish on Efficient Digital Health Tools: While overall physician optimism towards digital health is present across all ages, health IT tools need to be beneficial to clinical practice and not a burden, according to an American Medical Association (AMA) survey.
The Healthcare Informatics 100: Our Annual Ranking of Healthcare IT Vendors: Once again, as in past years, we, the editors of Healthcare Informatics are proud to present the newest edition of our unique industry offering: The Healthcare Informatics 100, a compilation of the top health IT companies based on HIT revenues from the most recent fiscal year.
Department of Defense Announces EHR Modernization Program Delay: On Sep. 1, the Department of Defense announced a temporary delay in the EHR modernization program whose commercial partnership had been announced a year ago.
Study: Medical Students Use EHRs to Track Former Patients: Medical students are continually using electronic health records (EHRs) in training, using the technology to track former patients after they have left one’s direct care, according to new research published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Survey: CMIO Salary Increases Have Outpaced Other C-Suite Physician Leaders: The greatest increase in C-suite compensation since 2013 was 18 percent for physicians in the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) roles, according to a survey by Cejka Executive Search in partnership with the American Association for Physician Leadership.