Does your organization have a fresh, relevant health vision that incorporates IT enablement ? HIMSS Does!
Wonderful books and articles have elaborated those three points, so I'll spare you my recapitulation.I would like, however, to share a link to a healthcare executive whose leadership I hope to emulate. That is, the keynote speaker at this past month's HIMSS annual meeting. His vision, framed around the evolution of the Inbox is here. Both the full text (complete with links to referenced content), and full video.At a minimum, HCIT leaders should learn from the dedication displayed when a succinct, compelling vision that's more up-to-date than any other is assembled and published on the Web. And we should also help to market such visions to others using tools like this blog.I invite you to post your comments here if you'd like to market a compelling, current vision of what we do that someone has published elsewhere. I'll commit to cleaning up the links and adding your graphics.