Mayo Clinic Elects New President and CEO
Gianrico Farrugia, M.D., current vice president, Mayo Clinic, and CEO of Mayo Clinic in Florida has been elected as the president and CEO of the Mayo Clinic, headquartered in Minnesota.
Farrugia, who was elected by the 31-member Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees, will succeed John Noseworthy, M.D., who remains president and CEO through his retirement at the end of the year.
Farrugia has been vice president, Mayo Clinic, and CEO of Mayo Clinic in Florida since January 2015. In this role, he has led a staff of more than 6,400 staff members, and before landing in Florida, Farrugia was director of Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine, which is responsible for bringing genomics into routine clinical care. Farrugia also was co-founder of the Center for Innovation at Mayo Clinic.
Mayo Clinic has major campuses in Rochester, Minn.; Scottsdale and Phoenix, Ariz.; and Jacksonville, Fla. The Mayo Clinic Health System has dozens of locations in several states.
Farrugia is also the co-author of Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast: A Blueprint for Transformation From the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation, a book highlighting the need for change in the delivery of healthcare. He has published more than 250 articles on genomics and the treatment of disorders of gastrointestinal motility.
“Dr. Farrugia brings an impressive depth of experience to this role,” said Samuel Di Piazza, chair, Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees. “A prolific investigator and inventor, and an accomplished executive, he has been at the leading edge of innovation across the breadth of Mayo’s clinical and research mission.”
The search process to replace Noseworthy was guided by a search committee that included members of the Mayo Clinic Board of Governors and Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees. They solicited input from senior leaders, physicians and voting staff across Mayo Clinic about potential candidates, the challenges facing Mayo Clinic and the leadership attributes needed for the next president and CEO.
According to Mayo Clinic officials, Noseworthy’s decision to retire came after “one of Mayo Clinic’s strongest years in terms of quality and safety; advancement in research, education and the clinical practice; and the completion of a $3.76 billion, eight-year philanthropic campaign. Mayo Clinic’s major accomplishments during Dr. Noseworthy’s tenure included transitioning Mayo from a holding company to a single operating company across all sites.”