HRSA: $1.4 Billion for HIV Medications and Services to Low-Income HIV Patients
In an August 20 press release, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced more than $1.4 billion in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program funding for the HRSA AIDS Drug Assistance Program and related awards.
According to the news brief, the HRSA-supported AIDS Drug Assistance Programs pay for HIV medication, co-pays and co-insurance for HIV medication, and premiums for health insurance covering HIV drugs.
HIV medication could cost over $40,000 per person annually, which is out of reach for most people. Support will help with antiretroviral therapies, helping people reach viral suppression.
“The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is the cornerstone of this nation’s response to the HIV epidemic. Over half of people with diagnosed HIV in the United States – more than half a million people – receive services through the Program each year,” said HHS Deputy Secretary Andrea Palm in a statement.