Podcast: The Excitement is Building around Mobility
July 31, 2013
For this month’s cover story package, Healthcare Informatics Editor-in-Chief, Mark Hagland and Associate Editor, Gabriel Perna, teamed up to write a pair of pieces on the impact of mobile health (mHealth) is having on both the patient and provider side of the spectrum.
Hagland covered how providers are handling the bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon, and the demands for connectivity on the part of physicians. Perna covered how providers are using mHealth interventions to connect to underserved patient populations for disease management and education.
In this podcast, the two editors discuss what they both found throughout the process of writing these articles. Hagland talks about how the BYOD intersects with issues of IT governance, privacy and security, and physician culture. In terms of patient engagement, Perna says the ever-presence of mobility, especially within underserved areas, makes it an easy solution to an issue that people are trying solve. However, there are challenges in regards to adherence, he says.
At the end of the podcast, the two surmise where mobility is headed in healthcare within the next few years in a larger spectrum. While there are a number of concerns and possible roadblocks, the two are excited to see the opportunities that lay ahead.