HHS Awards $16.3M For Title X Family Planning Program
According to a May 10 press release, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded $16.3 million in grant funding to support 31 grantees to boost the telehealth infrastructure and capacity of Title X family planning clinics in 26 states, one U.S. territory, and one freely associated state. Title X is a federal grant program devoted to providing individuals with complete family planning and related preventative health services across the country.
The release states that “HHS used funds made available through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) to award these grants to current Title X family planning grantees for a 12-month project period starting on May 15, 2022. This increased funding is another step in the Biden-Harris’ Administration’s move towards restoring the nation’s family planning safety-net and helping ensure access to quality preventive care for women and families.”
Telehealth adoption in the U.S. has increased over the last two years and Title X family planning clinics have supported offering telehealth services to patients. The funding will help Title X family planning clinics increase their telehealth capabilities and increase access in their community to family planning services.
“For more than 50 years, Title X family planning clinics have played a critical role in ensuring access to a broad range of family planning and preventive health services for more than 190 million low-income or uninsured individuals, including breast and cervical cancer screening, contraceptive counseling and care, and STI/HIV testing,” the release adds. “Title X services are delivered through a diverse network of clinics, including state and local health departments, federally qualified health centers, hospital-based sites, and other private nonprofit and community-based health centers.”
HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra was quoted in the release saying that “Expanding telehealth at our nation’s Title X family planning clinics will help ensure all women and families have equitable access to this essential care. Across the nation we are seeing attacks on sexual and reproductive health care services, and through these funds and other HHS efforts we can ensure that we’re able to provide this care that so many across the country need.”
A list of the telehealth grant awards can be found at the end of the press release.