The Golden Record: Essentials of Accurate Provider Data

Provider information is the lifeblood of the U.S. healthcare system, so why does having accurate and up-to-date provider records seem so elusive?
Lnrs Health Care Cmyk Pos 5c4e0f6049e93

Provider information is the lifeblood of the U.S. healthcare system, so why does having accurate and up-to-date provider records seem so elusive? Data quality impacts everything from patient care and satisfaction to physician outreach, which drives processes and productivity.  Health systems and provider organizations are looking to do more with less, move to integrated care delivery systems and work to improve patient outcomes.

A better source of truth for provider data is not only important, it’s essential. The reality is most in-house databases fall short. So where do you start in developing a “golden record” of provider data?

This session will explore the variety of sources of provider intelligence for healthcare organizations and address: