HCI’s Top 5 Articles from January
A new monthly feature bringing you last month’s five most read articles
January kicked off a new year, and here at HCI, our readers were looking ahead at what will surely be a big year in healthcare IT. There are a wide array of issues on the minds’ of providers and industry leaders everywhere, and the most popular articles in January reflected that. As Stage 1 meaningful use (EMRs) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act/Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (ARRA-HITECH) winds down, many are looking ahead to Stages 2 and 3. Many are also looking at how organizations have achieved success in implementation of health IT, be it achieving HIMSS Analytics Stage 7, an objective measure of EMR implementation, or the Healthcare Informatics Innovator Award, honoring those at the forefront of healthcare IT innovation.
Here’s a look at the Top 5 articles from HCI in January. Thanks for reading!
In this feature from our December issue, Jennifer Prestigiacomo looked at three organizations that have achieved HIMSS Analytics Stage 7, which tracks EMR implementation. The three organizations recognized were Tucson Medical Center, UCSD Health System and Nemours Children’s Health System. Check out how they did it.
2) What is Going to Kill Physician Productivity in 2012?
Pete Rivera wrote this blog about how physicians will be affected by the oncoming “onslaught of technology and accountability.” He says the tipping point could be ICD-10 and makes some bold predictions for the upcoming year.
3) AHIMA Names Its Seven Big Health Information Initiatives in 2012
In this news item, we get a look at what the Chicago, Ill.-based American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) thinks will be the seven initiatives that will impact health information management (HIM) professionals in 2012.
4) Healthcare Informatics Announces 2012 Innovator Award Winners
Every year we unveil the winners of our Innovator Awards program. This year we awarded four very different organizations, a health department, HIE, hospital, and a medical group. Check out the announcement, Innovator profiles, and sign up to attend the Innovator award ceremony at HIMSS while you’re at it.
5) The Path Ahead: Taking the Next Steps Toward Meaningful Use
David Raths looks how even the best-positioned hospital and health system organizations have been struggling with some aspects of meaningful use and what the implications of their struggles are for the path forward into Stages 2 and 3.