KLAS Names Best Vendors in Health IT
The Orem, Utah-based research firm KLAS announced its annual top vendors in the industry report this week, with Epic taking home eight awards. Researchers of the report, 2012 Best in KLAS Awards: Software & Services, interviewed nearly 20,000 provider sources, the company said.
“Providers recognize the critical nature that vendors play in improving healthcare delivery,” Adam Gale, KLAS president, said in a statement. “Thus, a growing number of providers are weighing in on vendor performance. It speaks volumes that providers want to be heard and be counted. And vendors are listening.”
Epic won the following categories: number one overall software vendor, number-one overall software suite vendor, number-one overall physician practice vendor, best acute care EMR, best ambulatory EMR for 11-75 patients and more than 75 patients, best radiology software, best surgery management, and best practice management (more than 75 patients).
athenahealth received second most Best in KLAS wins, while Impact Advisors wins number-one Overall Services Vendor.
Five new software market segments were added to the report this year including three markets for Clinical Decision: Clinical Decision Support—Order Sets and Care Plans, Clinical Decision Support—Referential, and Clinical Decision Support—Surveillance. Point of Use Inventory Management and VNA/Image Archive were other new segments.
The complete list can be found here.