With limited investment dollars in the budget, choosing which technologies to implement from those to backburner can be overwhelming for healthcare organizations. Because as much as 60 percent or more of an HCOs operating budget is typically allocated to labor costs, technology projects are often aimed at bringing about labor savings. But high-tech solutions dont automatically mean results that justify the expense. Especially in healthcare, the best technology investment is often measured not only labor dollars saved, but also in providing better patient care, directly or indirectly. This white paper provides basic financial direction for evaluating potential labor management technology projects in healthcare. It explores how and why to use common financial analysis tools to quantify potential projects, enabling decision-makers to articulate the feasibility of potential projects. To access the 4-page White Paper, click here: www.rsleads.com/501ht-922
Financial Analysis Tools For Your Labor Management Technology Project – Going Beyond ROI
Nov. 7, 2009