Tarrytown, NY – December 8, 2009 – ENT and Allergy Associates, LLP (ENTA), the largest and most comprehensive ENT medical practice in the country seeing 50,000 patients a month, today announced that it has selected Medfusion, the preeminent patient portal provider, to facilitate and enhance the practice’s patient-to-provider communication experience.
ENTA patients will now be able to go ENTA’s website (www.entandallergy.com) and with a few clicks of a mouse take care of otherwise time consuming tasks – like filling out all paperwork prior to their visit. Being able to electronically manage appointment requests, request prescription renewals, and even receive messages from the practice in a secure HIPAA compliant environment will have an immediate and enormous impact on the physician/patient relationship. And the fact that patients can do all of this from the comfort and convenience of their home or office is a huge benefit. But the patient benefits don’t stop there. In fact, ENTA is looking to link its patient portal system to its many hospital partners, to further facilitate the flow of patient information between physician practices and hospitals.
This move to an easy and convenient patient portal is wholly consistent with ENTA’s overall innovative commitment and track record, and will also serve to enhance the flow and transfer of patient information between and across provider networks. Medfusion’s HealthKey allows healthcare providers to have patient demographics securely saved so that the next time a patient logs on to another participating doctor’s portal, the information will already be populated.
“We’re very pleased that this technology will enable us to better communicate with our patients, more conveniently serve their needs, and get them more involved in their care management,” said Wayne Eisman, MD, President of ENTA. “Simply stated, our patient portal will make things much easier for our patients, and nothing makes us happier.” Robert Glazer, CEO of ENTA weighed in, “Our patient portal will truly improve our efficiencies and, over time, significantly reduce operating costs for physician practices. Between this and our Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems, we fully expect to enter a world where patients will benefit from real portability of their medical records. In fact, we are already looking to link to our hospital partners to enable a far better flow of patient information among all healthcare providers, for the patients’ benefit…this is what the future of medicine is all about.”