SAN DIEGO – Dec. 10, 2009 – CliniComp Intl., a global provider of clinical documentation systems, announced today that VA Rocky Mountain Network (VISN 19) selected CliniComp’s Essentris® Critical Care™solution. VISN 19 will deploy CliniComp’s clinical documentation application to enhance patient care and safety.
Essentris will go live at the VA Medical Center in Denver in February 2010. Soon after, VISN 19 will roll out the system to four additional medical centers in Grand Junction, Colo.; Ft. Harrison, Mont.; Salt Lake City; and Cheyenne, Wyo.
Established in March 1996 as one of 21 Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs) in the Veterans Health Administration, VA Rocky Mountain Network (VISN 19) operates three Health Care Systems (HCS), three hospitals, 42 outpatient clinics, three nursing homes and three residential rehabilitation treatment programs. VISN 19 serves an area covering the states of Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and portions of Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada and North Dakota. VISN 19 serves approximately 700,000 veterans residing in its geographic boundaries. It is the largest VISN in terms of geographic area in the 48 contiguous states.