Oct. 7-12. AHIMA's 78th Convention and Exhibits. Denver. American Health Information Management Association: http://www.ahima.org
Oct. 10-11. Personally Controlled Health Records Infrastructure (PCHRI 2006). Countway Library of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Harvard Medical School (HMS) Center for Biomedical Informatics: http://cbmi.med.harvard.edu/pchri/index.html
Oct. 13-14. 11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine. Toronto. eHealth Congress: http://www.ehealthcongress.org
Oct. 16-19. Palm Springs, Calif., Cluster. American College of Healthcare Executives Cluster: http://www.ache.org
Oct. 22-25. PUG Annual Conference. Disney's Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Fla. Polycom User Group: http://www.pug.com
Oct. 22-25. MGMA 2006 Annual Conference. Las Vegas. Medical Group Management Association: http://www.mgma.org
Oct. 23-24. The World Congress Leadership Summit on Healthcare Supply Chain Management. Chicago. World Congress: https://www.worldcongress.com/events/NW660/?confCode=NW660
Oct. 23-25. Care Continuum Congress. L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, Washington, D.C.: World Congress: http://www.worldcongress.com/events/NW603/?confCode=NW603
Oct. 23-26. Williamsburg, Va. Cluster. American College of Healthcare Executives Cluster: http://www.ache.org
Oct. 24-26. 2006 CHIME Fall CIO Forum. Hyatt Regency at Gainey Ranch, Scottsdale, Ariz. College of Healthcare Information Management Executives: http://www.cio-chime.org
Nov. 1-3. World Healthcare Innovation and Technology Congress. Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. World Congress: https://www.worldcongress.com/events/NW610/?confCode=NW610
Nov. 1-3. Medical Automation International Conference: Caring Machines - Optimal Medicine. Lansdowne Resort, Loudoun County, Va.: http://medicalautomation.org/conferences/index.php?confid=1
Nov. 6-9. 2006 WEDI Fall Conference. Hyatt Regency Phoenix at Civic Plaza. WEDI: Phoenix, Ariz.: http://www.wedi.org/forms/meeting/MeetingFormPublic/view?id=198200000044
Nov. 11-15. AMIA 2006: Annual Symposium. Hilton Washington & Towers, Washington, D.C.: http://www.amia.org
Nov. 13-16. Boston Cluster. American College of Healthcare Executives Cluster: http://www.ache.org
Nov. 26-Dec. 1. RSNA 92nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. McCormick Place, Chicago. Radiological Society of North America: http://www.rsna.org
Dec. 4-7. San Antonio Cluster. American College of Healthcare Executives Cluster: http://www.ache.org
Jan. 17-19. The 2nd Annual Health & Human Capital Management Congress. JW Marriott Hotel Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. World Congress: https://www.worldcongress.com/events/NW735/?confCode=NW735
Feb. 6-9. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 15. Hyatt Regency at Long Beach Hotel, Long Beach, Calif. Aligned Management Associates, Inc.: http://www.nextmed.com
March 26-28, 2007. The World Health Care Congress - Europe 2007. Paris, France. World Congress: https://www.worldcongress.com/events/NW715/?confCode=NW715
April 22-24, 2007. The 4th Annual World Health Care Congress. Convention Center, Washington, D.C. World Congress: https://www.worldcongress.com/events/NW700/?confCode=NW700
May 21-23, 2007. World Health Care Congress Asia 2007. Singapore. World Congress: https://www.worldcongress.com/events/NW616/?confCode=NW616
November 12-14, 2007. World Health Care Congress — Middle East. Dubai. World Congress: https://www.worldcongress.com/events/NW617/?confCode=NW617