Main Feature: The HCI 100 – our proprietary ranking of the top 100 companies in healthcare IT by revenue (submissions close end of day April 20). Included in this comprehensive package are stories by HIS Pros’ Vince Ciotti on the evolution of our most well-known vendors, and an M&A feature by HCI Editorial Board Member Ben Rooks.
Features: Vendor Profiles
A few months ago, HCI posted the top 50 companies from last year’s 100 on our Web site, so readers could vote on the most interesting companies in healthcare IT. In our June issue, we’ll profile the top three companies as per those vote totals.
For June, each department will feature a CIO “One-on-One,” focusing on that department’s theme. Departments include:
- Clinical
- Financial
- Administrative
- Wireless
- Imaging
- Policy
Questions? Contact Managing Editor Stacey Kramer