How fast do you read ? Here's
a WSJ article from 2006 (by Shivani Vora) that's heavily discussed in other blogs. The title is "Bring It On, InBox: Speed-Reading's Back"
a six minute video from 1975 Tonight Show with Johnny Carson referenced in the WSJ article that's remarkable.
Most of us read about one page per minute. Fifteen pages takes most of us 15 minutes, not one minute, as the title of this blog post describes the problem.
Do you read
faster from paper (print outs) than a computer screen? The reverse? Is the same true for folks in their 20s compared with folks in their 50s?
How many books a year do you read? A handful? 100? 200? Is that reading with comprehension, or skimming? Do you apply what you read?
Do your subordinates read, such that they grow professionally in their current or prepare for next role?
What is our role as leaders when it comes to reading?