Wonderful posting in Modern Healthcare today from Dr. Mark Scioli from Lubbock Texas, who  has just converted to his second ambulatory EMR at his 6-man orthopedic group. If you have been following my recent posts about rare honesty on the non-ROI of EMRs and CPOE, you'll love this: " Both (EMRs) are nothing special, don't save time, don't save money, don't save paper, are not safer for patients. Â
My God, who are the idiots who have convinced our legislators that these systems will somehow save money? Improve patient safety? Hogwash! Try to update a longstanding patient's profile in your computer ... see how long it takes you, how slowed down your office will be.  Where are the efficiencies? For $250,000, I could have hired more staff, funded my pension and taken a hell of a vacation. Somebody please stop this misinformation." God bless Dr. Scioli, and let's hope more honest reporters will continue to give the other side of our EMR/CPOE feeding frenzy!