Insidious Invasion of TechnologyFrom bamboo flutes (Shakuhachi) to blackberries
I'm driving into work yesterday. At a red light, I emailed meeting lead, asking for the final room location for a meeting later in the morning. The light changes, my BlackBerry's been put away. I turn on the radio for news and traffic.
The news? The Maryland legislature is proposing a law to prohibit texting (presumably SMS, and probably silent on email or Twits) while driving. They said explicitly, cell phone use, with a hands-free headset, would still be completely legal.
I get to my meeting. My team asks me if I was driving when I messaged with the room location question.
Two quick observations:
1. See
Preparing for the Work Ahead,
John Halamka's blog entry today, here. First, some meta points.
- If you've already seen this post, you're probably using Twitter.
- If you're trying the understand and follow standards, certification, and all things emerging on ARRA-2009, and the HCIT issues with the stimulus package, following John (and a few other very well informed and relevant leaders) on Twitter is an option to consider.
- His ideas about video conferencing are resonant with me. I get a lot of value from Skype video conferencing.
- That said, I've found a majority of people who will not use it. If you're interested in pursuing that, post a comment.