Privacy is an illusion (Ellison) You have zero privacy, Get Over It (McNealy)

June 24, 2011
Today's WSJ (August 25, 2008), " "Privacy? We Got Over It." INFORMATION AGE By L. GORDON CROVITZ here:  The 'consumerism' view is elaborated:  We

Today's WSJ (August 25, 2008), "

"Privacy? We Got Over It."

here: The 'consumerism' view is elaborated: We give up privacy for convenience. We give up privacy for personalization (google, amazon, ...). We give up privacy for free services (i.e. accepting contextual advertising, drawing on otherwise private attributes of our lives.) Society's concept of privacy is evolving. Do we need new language to separate out 'health privacy'? Do we need methods beyond access restriction, auditing, voluntary identifiers, encryption for data in motion, etc, ... , or is healthcare evolving toward a world without secrets?

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