The Farmington, Conn.-based Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC) has announced that a 60-day public review of key criteria for its health information exchange (HIE) accreditation program will take place from now through April 23.
Those interested in participating in this phase of the public review may visit the criteria page on the EHNAC Web site.
A separate set of policies designed to more specifically address privacy and security are still being developed by an EHNAC convened HIE Advisory Board, and will be available for public review during the second quarter of 2010, it says. EHNAC also expects to invite public comment on these policies and will make them available on its Web site for approximately 60 days. All comments and feedback will be reviewed from the public comment period and additional revisions will be incorporated into the final criteria version 1.0, tentatively scheduled for release this summer.