Barrington, Ill.-based GE Healthcare’s Centricity Practice Solution version 9.5 has been inspected by the Chicago-based Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) and is a premarket conditionally CCHIT Certified 2011 Ambulatory EHR, with additional certification for Child Health and Cardiovascular Medicine with Advanced Reporting. Based on CCHIT's first round of usability testing for ambulatory EHRs, Centricity Practice Solution earned a five-star rating, the highest awarded by the commission. Centricity Practice Solution version 9.5 is not yet available for sale. Sales are expected to begin this fall.
Additionally, Centricity Practice Solution version 9.5 is certified EHR technology, IFR Stage 1, preliminarily meeting 24 of 24 requirements for Eligible Providers published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the Interim Final Rule (IFR) of January 2010. For the purpose of qualifying products for ARRA incentives, CCHIT anticipates, but has not yet received, accreditation by HHS.