Alabama Medicaid and the State of Alabama are partnering with the Healthcare business of New York, N.Y.-based Thomson Reuters to build the infrastructure for a statewide health information exchange (HIE) that will improve the quality of care while controlling costs.
The HIE, known as One Health Record, can capture real-time clinical and administrative data from electronic medical records, health care claims, and other sources and provide clinicians with comprehensive patient histories at the point of care so they can make better-informed medical decisions.
The statewide information exchange will attempt to coordination of care, improve clinical outcomes, reduce unnecessary and redundant diagnostic tests, create a less fragmented clinical and administrative workflow, and reduce costs. Participation in the exchange helps providers earn federal meaningful use incentives.
The exchange will feature fully compliant interoperability standards, use Local Health Information Organizations as gateways connecting providers with the system, and be pre-populated with Medicaid claims data and clinical data from pilot hospitals and physician practices.