The Ann Arbor-based College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) is pleased to announce that Indranil “Neal” Ganguly CHCIO, Vice President and Chief Information Officer at CentraState Healthcare System in Freehold, N.J., has been awarded its third annual State Advocacy Award.
Ganguly is being recognized for his active involvement in CHIME StateNet and his commitment to the growth and success of state-wide initiatives to further the advancement of health information exchange and health IT adoption.
As its current Vice Chair, Ganguly has been a driving force of CHIME StateNet, an online network of CIOs and other health IT stakeholders intended to enhance communication and foster statewide coalitions on important matters related to the HITECH Act. As part of its efforts to facilitate robust and effective health information exchange, StateNet formed an HIE Workgroup where Ganguly serves as Chair. Earlier this year, he presided over the development of StateNet’s Guiding Principles, developed as foundational operating guidelines for regional extension centers (RECs) and HIEs.
The CHIME State Advocacy Award was created to honor a member for their demonstrated leadership at the state level in educating policy makers on the value of HIT towards improved patient care. Ganguly represents one of CHIME’s many dedicated members who have helped the industry by influencing governmental policy and energizing colleagues to follow suit.