Ohio’s Health Collaborative to Transition Its HIE Customers to CliniSync
In the latest example of health information exchange consolidation, the Health Collaborative (THC), based in Cincinnati, has announced it will transition its health information exchange customers to Columbus-based CliniSync by the end of 2023.
The nonprofit THC’s HIE currently connects 70 hospitals, and more than 18,000 healthcare providers across 14 counties, with nearly 15 million results delivered monthly. The nonprofit CliniSync has connected 149 of 157 contracted hospitals in the state. It also has connected thousands of physicians and more than 500 long-term, post-acute care facilities. Its Provider Directory includes 15,000 Direct e-mail addresses.
The combination will create a statewide HIE and aims to streamline patient data exchange across all of Ohio’s 88 counties, improving interoperability and care coordination. Through this strategic partnership, THC will continue to have access to the HIE data and provide actionable insights about community’s health.
Over the last few years, many HIEs throughout the country have consolidated to produce more substantial value in overlapping markets, and to free up dollars and resources dedicated to innovative collaborations such as this that benefit customers. For instance, health IT interoperability organizations in Michigan announced a merger, and the Indiana Health Information Exchange (IHIE) and Michiana Health Information Network (MHIN), two Indiana HIEs, announced they plan to consolidate on Jan. 1, 2020. Also, the HIEs in Colorado and Arizona came together to form a regional health data utility in the West.
The Health Collaborative serves as the Cincinnati community’s neutral forum for local stakeholders invested in the triple aim of better health, better care, and lower cost. It creates opportunities to collaborate, determine best practices, set community standards, and improve overall healthcare work flow and delivery in the region.
“We’re thinking progressively by understanding the future needs of the communities we serve in providing a more effective healthcare data delivery model. The Health Collaborative, with the full support of health system CEOs, is moving forward with what’s best for the participating healthcare providers in Southwest Ohio and across the state, and their patients,” said Debbie Hayes, board chairwoman of THC, in a statement. “This partnership will allow us to deliver a cost-effective service that supports Ohio’s healthcare ecosystem to improve care coordination, reduce inefficiencies, address care gaps, and enhance the patient experience.
“The evolution of national interoperability is driving the need for HIEs to adapt and create new opportunities to provide value and improve patient care. Having one information exchange serving the entire state will not only facilitate broad access to clinical data in a secure, efficient, and cost-effective manner, but support innovative models to improve health outcomes for all Ohioans,” said Amy Andres, board chairwoman of Clinisync, in a statement.
Moving forward, THC will continue to lead community health transformation, expanding and diversifying the healthcare workforce, innovating care, and coordinating regional disaster preparedness, response, and resiliency.