Telehealth: Moving Forward Into the Future

Register now to explore two insightful sessions that delve into the transformative potential of telehealth and virtual care management solutions.

One of the operational outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic was this one: the leaders of hospitals, large medical groups, and health systems realized that they could stand up telehealth-based care delivery quickly and efficiently, as needed. What's more, healthcare consumers/patients have expressed a strong preference for the telehealth/remote care delivery option. So where do patient care organizations go from here? Experts and leaders in the trenches will share their perspectives on what's being learned, and what's working, in this key area in healthcare delivery evolution going forward. Dive into the two sessions below or preview the series with our Editor-in-Chief, Mark Hagland.

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Patients’ Needs Extend Beyond the Clinic Walls: Insights from Leaders in Virtual Health Solutions

Telehealth and virtual care management solutions are at the forefront of revolutionizing healthcare delivery. Through collaborative efforts between technology pioneers and clinical experts, these innovations are reshaping patient engagement and driving better outcomes, especially in chronic disease management. Providers are forging new partnerships to expand their virtual care options, extending their reach beyond traditional clinical settings and empowering patients throughout their healthcare journey. By seamlessly integrating into existing clinical workflows and technology infrastructures, virtual care services ensure continuity and proactive management between office visits.

Join us for a fireside chat with Brian Esterly, CEO of TimeDoc Health, and JoAnne Reifsnyder, industry expert and Professor at the University of Maryland School of Nursing. Together, we'll explore the transformative potential of telehealth and virtual care management solutions, emphasizing the impact on improved patient outcomes, reduced medical costs, and the critical need to address social determinants of health. Click here to watch this session now.

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Tackling Physician Shortages: Next-Generation Telemedicine Strategies for Acute Care

Dive into hospital staffing models as we unpack the critical need to improve telemedicine software to combat the shortage of acute care specialist physicians. Anand Nathan, Co-founder of AmplifyMD, will address specialist supply and demand challenges and delve into how next-level technology can serve as a powerful remedy. From reimagining workflow processes to leveraging AI to reduce administrative burdens, find out what can be achieved with a holistic approach that integrates lean management principles and cutting-edge technology. Click here to watch this session now.

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