Earlier this year, federal health officials finalized two regulations around interoperability and patient access that will inevitably shake up the healthcare landscape for years to come. The two rules, one coming from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and the other from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), aim to put patients in more control of their health records while giving them unprecedented access to their data.
For payers specifically, the final rule requires CMS-regulated health plans to provide access to provider and patient claims and clinical data via application programing interfaces (APIs). Plans must now make sure that their IT systems can communicate with third-party users, which include consumer health apps. Clearly there is a lot of opportunity within the new interoperability rules, as well as a lot of work to do to prepare. In this quick chat video, Austin Dobson, product manager at Lyniate, discusses the key implications for payers and the steps they’ll need to take to get ready for this new world.