Research Findings: Technology and Clinician Cognitive Overload – Easing the Pain

April 30, 2019
HIMSS Analytics received 323 survey responses from clinical and IT leaders at HIMSS19 and online. Join to hear our panel of experts discuss the research findings and examine the implications for executives from disciplines in the acute care setting.
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HIMSS Analytics received 323 survey responses from clinical and IT leaders at HIMSS19 and online.

The findings from the survey and report show how important this topic has become for leaders in clinical and IT roles.

In this webinar, you will learn which signs and symptoms of clinician cognitive overload healthcare leaders are observing most frequently. You will also learn which technology-based tasks leaders think contribute most to the problem, and which technology improvements could help the most to mitigate it.

Join to hear our panel of experts discuss the research findings and examine the implications for executives from disciplines in the acute care setting.

Please test your system for webcast compatibility by clicking here.

Presented by:

Brendan Fitzgerald Senior Director Research Services at HIMSS Analytics (now part of Definitive Healthcare)
Rhonda Collins, DNP, RN, Chief Nursing Officer at Vocera
Benjamin Kanter, MD, FCCP Chief Medical Information Officer at Vocera