Securing Your Endpoints: Another Key Element of Future Cybersecurity Success

Dec. 10, 2019
Learn how the innovative CISO can consider the endpoint as a way to help engage end users.
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There is no shortage of concerns that healthcare cybersecurity professionals have these days in regard to the evolving digital landscape that has created new challenges in keeping sensitive data and access to it secure. Growing network boundaries, where endpoints may now be the first and the last lines of defense against cyberattacks, have created whole new dilemma for security experts. Of course, securing endpoints represents just one aspect of the broader cybersecurity strategy, and in this webinar program, one of the nation’s leading chief information security officers (CISOs) will share best practices around making sure you know what’s on your network so that you can manage and secure your endpoints, while also taking a step back and ensuring that you are looking at risk management as an enterprise.

Learn how the innovative CISO can consider the endpoint as a way to help engage end users.