How Did We Get Here? A Deep Dive into the Shifting Healthcare Payment Landscape

Dec. 5, 2019
In this webinar program we will examine an array of healthcare payment trends, while then sitting down for a “fireside chat” to discuss even further what we're seeing at the at the ground level.
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The shift from the traditional fee-for-service reimbursement model in healthcare to a pay-for-performance one is ongoing, and with that transition has come a plethora of challenges for industry stakeholders. But taking a step back, it’s important to look at the history of the payment landscape in healthcare, explore the lessons learned, and use these insights to craft a better model as we shift to an outcomes-based reimbursement system.In this webinar program, John Poelman, the Executive Director of the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative, will examine an array of healthcare payment trends, while then sitting down for a “fireside chat” to discuss even further what he’s seeing at the ground level. Key learning areas will include:

  • The forces driving the shift to value
  • Where we are on the timeline of moving to value
  • Results to date, with a focus on ACOs
  • Barriers and opportunities for systems transitioning to value